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Air Fryer Oreos

Air fryer Oreos are simply amazing! They’re every bit as good as the fried Oreos you’d get from the fair, but they’re a little healthier and a whole lot cheaper in the air fryer. Plus, you can make them at home in minutes.

Of course, my favorite of all the deep-fried foods is deep-fried Oreo cookies! The crispy outer coating gives way to a soft, almost melty cookie. It’s seriously so surprisingly good.

With a major craving for some deep-fried Oreos the other day, I set out to test making these in the air fryer. This made my day as I got to eat more than a few air fried Oreos while testing! 😉


About Time 

  • Prep Time  10 mins
  • Cook Time  4 mins
  • Total Time  14 mins

Go to the next page to get the Ingredients